I have trained with Dutta sir for more than 3 years after trying out several fitness experts. He has some of the most excellent attributes a fitness guru should have. He is knowledgeable and has a sound theoretical base and indepth knowledge of his subject. He is articulate and expresses fitness concepts clearly and succinctly. He really knows the aspects of the body and wellness and is able to customise his treatment and excercise to the demands of the individual or group. He is very observant and attentive while administering individual or larger groups and is very aware of the physical and mental application of his clients. His routines are designed in such a way as to avoid injury and to ensure a person enjoys fitness while inproving their, physical strength and agility, and enjoying the journey to better health and well being.
Dutta sir is very punctual and focused and this inspires his clients to be regular with their workouts.
As he is clear in his concepts and speaks on a variety of subjects with indepth knowledge he is very successful as a lecturer or trainer for corporate groups. As someone who has benefitted a lot from his teachings, I wish him well and know that all who will learn from him will enjoy the journey to better health.